Monday, February 22, 2010

More about proofing!

In today's class we learnt more about proofing. I was so pleased to see the stuffs I learnt in MAT157 now can be also applied to this course. For the proofing of continuous graph, I have learnt it last semester and I am really surprised at how I can apply knowledges from one course to another. Anyways, when the professor asked us if that proof make sense, the professor saw me nodded my head and this makes me feel a little bit funny =P.

I am still feeling good on this course, and I really hope that I can study well on CSC148 and get into computer science major!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Reading Week!

Finally the reading week has arrived =D! So we will have a week off and for me, I will probably choose to just sleep and eat for these days. However, in reality, this is not allowed for me because I still have a lot of works to do =(. Anyways, the 2nd assignment for CSC165 is out. It is actually not very difficult (but this is what I think after finishing the first question only), and it seems much shorter than the first assignment. Last time I didn't have enough time to finish the first assignment, so this time I must finish this assignment no matter what!

I think I will finish the assignment tonight, because I am going to participate in the alternate reading week program, which should use me the following three days. Luckily until now I still haven't encounter any difficulties on the course (just my carelessness), so I can have a little more time shift to focus on other courses.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Just got the test back =(

Class just ended and I got my test back. The mark itself is not really low, but the problem is that I was too careless. For the first question, because it is what I do well, I got full mark for it (actually it is not hard lol). I also got full mark for the diagram in question 2. The problem is, for the third question, I lose 3 marks just because of 1 single careless mistake: during negation, ⇒ should be converted to . I knew this, but then I forgot to do this. So for part a, c, and e, I lose the answer marks. Maybe this is good for me, at least this will make me never do the same mistake again. For the other mistakes, I figured out what I did wrong and I hope that I will learn from them.

For today's class, we learnt some proofing technique. Actually they are quite straight forward, and its good for me so far. For the proofing existence, at first I was thinking if we have to solve the equation before proofing, so that we will get 3 roots and this will show that the set is non-empty. I wanted to ask the professor about this after the class, but I was too focused on my test and then I forgot to ask =P. Maybe then I will ask the TA tmr in tutorial.

Monday, February 1, 2010

4 weeks past for new semester....

Time flies and already 4 weeks past for the 2nd semester. The course CSC165 is an interesting course to me, and it is quite different from what I expected. I thought that it would be a course similar to CSC108, which have to deal with writing programs, while this course actually is to learnt how to understand different statements, and, to understand what different programs does.

At first I found it uneasy to convert statements to P => Q form. In class, we did a few examples, and I get most of it correct, but some of them are really confusing, such as the sentences using "unless". However, after a few times of practising and thinking deeply what the sentences actually means, it became much easier. The favourite thing for me in this course so far is to identity when the statements are true and when they are false. In Exercise 1 we had this kind of question as question number 1 as it is not hard for me. I was happy that I got full mark on this question. However, for question number 2, we are required to convert the statements into P => Q form and I really did it poorly. I think that I must do more of this kind of questions, or else I will fail the test!

Things such as negations, contrapositive, etc. are not really hard for me. They just requires you to think more about the statement and most importantly, understand what they are talking about. Maybe because I am taking MAT157 at the same time, I don't find these things complicated. Hope that I can continue working hard on this course!